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About JustBe

JustBe is a sound healing business that was born out of a deep desire to help others on their healing journey. We specialize in intuitive guided sound baths, Reiki healing, breath work, guided meditation, and more. Our mission is to help our clients achieve a sense of inner peace and tranquility through sound healing and other esoteric techniques. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service and experience for our clients. We believe that everyone deserves to live a happy and fulfilling life, and that at each persons core is wholeness. We have just forgotten...let us help you remember! 

Our Certifications

Sound Healing Certification

Reiki Healing Certification

Life Coach Certification

Holographic Sound Healing Certification

Animal Reiki Healing Certification

Om Pose
Couple Holding Hands

Our Philosophy

At JustBe, we believe that everyone has the power within themselves to heal and grow. Our approach to healing is holistic, focusing on the mind, body, spirit connection. We believe that by tapping into the power of sound vibration and other healing modalities, we can help our clients achieve a sense of wholeness, balance, and inner peace. We are dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming container for our clients to explore their inner selves, release that which no longer serves, and rediscover their true potential. 

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